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Sunday, April 4, 2010

Comparison of two online articles

I read two opposing online articles on the legalization of Marijuana. The first article that I read supported the fact that Marijuana should become legal. The article argues the fact that the government does not have the right to tell Americans what they can and cannot do. They argue that Marijuana is less dangerous than other legal drugs such as alcohol and tobacco and should therefore be legal. The article also argues that the government would have more money to spend on more important issues other than Marijuana by making Marijuana legal. The article also talks about how prohibition doesn't work and might actually make people use Marijuana at higher rates.
The second article supported keeping Marijuana illegal. The article argues that it is a socially addictive drug and has a high potential for abuse. The article also says that marijuana is a gateway drug and should therefore be left illegal. It also argues that smoking marijuana makes you lazy and unproductive. The article also argues that it causes anxiety and that it impairs short term memory, making it hard for users to accomplish simple and complex tasks. It also argues that it should be left illegal because it is associated with cancer.
I believe the second article is more convincing because it has much more legitimate arguments. More harm seems like it would come to people and society by not keeping marijuana illegal. My opinion has not changed by reading these two articles. I have always believed that marijuana should be left illegal. This is because I have seen it first hand destroy peoples lives.

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